dissabte, 5 d’abril del 2008

Every day, every moment, every second...

There are some days we feel sad, without any goal to achieve without happiness...

I don’t like these days because you don’t enjoy them because you can’t! Everyone have had these kind of days but luckily we usually feel good and take profit of all the chances which life give us. Sad days are only good for one thing, they help you to realise how important is to enjoy every day, every moment, every second because they won’t happen any more.

I love waking up, putting cheerful music and beginning the day with a big smile hoping a fantastic journey with people known and unknown.

My wish, enjoying life as much as possible!

1 comentari:

Barrie ha dit...

Hi MH, thanks for your post. You are right when you say that we have to enjoy every minute of our life. Tomorrow doesn't exist and yesterday is already over.